Saturday, May 28, 2011

never off track.

Topic: Never far from vision 

The jump from my conceptual, somewhat hypothetical, collection - to the corporate world. 
One day design, the next decision. 
As a graduate you are required to not only create a 9 piece collection, not only complete an abundance of assignments, not only to learn and develop, but you are required to meet the world beyond FEDISA. Last week we did, I think

Truworths extends the privilege to 3rd years to embody a mock interview, the set up, the procedure.
  But its what comes next that changes things.
The thought process.

Where do I want to be? Who do I want to be?
How will I get there?

Guess I'm still figuring it all out.
(Cant say its not enticing.)
But its grounding. Welcome back.

Where to from here?

Lets wait and see . . . 


just left . . . d r e a m i n g

Topic: Talking to my dreamsss 

I seem to eat, breathe and dream my collection, from day to day, event to activity I have become an entity for what I created. Dreamt.

A story, a fantasy, my graduate range is one in the same.

After all this, I find myself intrigued by the dream catcher. A device representative of an alternate universe. An embellished weave of possibility. 

A graduate - lost outside of reality?

Lets wait and see . . . 



Sunday, May 22, 2011

Change of mood.

Topic: Guess you'll have to create it ...

A class assignment on a composition of moods, an array of inspirations, a presentation of what?

If only life was a image manipulated mood board.


Throw caution to the wind. Embrace the storm.

Topic: Moving onto better things.

Out with the old - in with the new, in the life of a third year FEDISA student, this means,
garment one done,
garment two, lets get to it.

I learnt from my first look that expectations lead to imperfections.
So from that I have decided to,
expect the unexpected.
Nothing comes without challenge, but the greatest victory is a challenge overcome,
this is a vague insight into how my second garment is coming along.

The most successful steps are the smallest ones, and,"sometimes the easiest way not to do it, 
is just to do it".
To shy away from a challenge, to fear it, is a failure. A 'graduate' student cannot fail.

Lets wait and see . . . 


finding inspiration, elsewhere.

Topic:  Truth Be Told...

Inspiration is but the mere facets that surround us.
Some find it in the goodness of the world, some in their dreams and others in themselves, 
im still looking for it.
Not the inspiration to create or to envision, but the inspiration to just be.
The belief that one day the world will no longer exist on "what if".   

This photograph, a scenery that would inspire many,
truth be told,
 I find inspiration in the solitude of the neglected tree on the left of the image.

Lets wait and see . . . 


Taking a look. At look one.

"Don't change whats done - Learn from what you didn't do."

Graduate lesson 1:
Nothing is as it seems.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

next step . . . a c c e p t a n c e ?

Topic: and the doubt seeps through the cracks I have created.

I, not so long ago, feared the finalisation of my collection,
mere designs.
Now I fear the conclusion of such designs.

Our first garment is complete, designed and created.
A sigh of relief to some, but an uncertainty of satisfaction to others.
I am not entirely contempt with what I have created, I doubt my vision. I see my design, and I see it in completion, yet I fail to find a harmony between the two.
So, I am left with acceptance.
With this I discard the doubt from what was created and I accept it in its fault, and at the same time, I accept that I have eight more designs to view in their completion, eight more chances to portray my vision, eight more opportunities to accept the things I cannot change, and change the things I can. 

With this I begin a new week, a new garment, an old vision. My second chance to find harmony between whats inside my head, and the reflection of me in my work.

Acceptance. That I can create what I aspire to, I just need the chance to try.

Lets wait and see . . . 


Thursday, May 12, 2011

l e t t i n g YOU in . . .

Topic: time for the truth . 

Its not that I'm afraid,
Its not that I'm ashamed,

I don't quite know what it is.
When we got the assignment at the start of the year:
to set up a blog that encaptures life at FEDISA, life as a third year, life as a graduate.
The truth,
I couldn't.
I dont let people into my head, I can tell you how I feel but not what I think. I can tell you what I want but not who I am.

a bit late - but here goes:

Im a 21 year old FEDISA student, I am graduating at the end of 2011, from there,
the truth,
I dont know.
But I'll embrace the unknown, knowing one thing, I'll have the courage to face reality. . . for now,
the truth,
Ill get lost in my dreams.

Course: Unknown
Subject: Just me. The truth.

So - Lets wait and see . . .
